Most Businesses Make Little or No Money
The fact of the matter is that many small businesses should not be started in the first place. They suffer from a weak business model,…
The fact of the matter is that many small businesses should not be started in the first place. They suffer from a weak business model,…
Always be looking for ways to use leverage, in every aspect of your business. As you pursue your dreams, keep in mind that it will…
Most investors and many entrepreneurs like to talk about creating “long-term, sustainable competitive advantage” – don’t spend too much time on this one, as it’s…
Become a guru; become known as the leader of whatever you do – your success certainly (and perhaps even your survival) depends on it, in…
A friend recently asked me what I thought were the top five character traits one must have (or develop) to be successful as an entrepreneur. …
If you are presented with opportunities that seem to violate the well-known risk/reward tradeoff, be very suspicious. The old adage, “if it seems too good…
This is a great one for all startup ventures to consider. I think I first heard this from one of my first mentors, Ian MacMillan. …
This is a quote from one of my most important early mentors, Ian MacMillan (Mac). As Shakespeare put it, “a rose by any other name…
As an entrepreneur, don’t be overly impressed with complexity and flash; rather, be impressed by simplification. Consultants tend to make simple concepts complicated – that’s…
You must plan in the real world, with facts, not fiction. In other words, don’t plan “in a vacuum”. I can’t tell you the frequency…